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Finding Greatness in all

I've been writing a story recently about a 'Bad Knight' and I had an opportunity to tell this story to some young children. The awesome level of analysis these children displayed was incredible. 'Was the knight really that bad?" one child asked. "Well, he did some bad things but it was because of the bad things that happened to him." explained another. I felt so privileged to be able to share my story in this way. The greatness in these children was so evident and I was able to reflex back to them "You really put yourself into the knight shoes, showing great empathy and kindness."

Whenever I'm working with people I am so aware that it is a wonderful gift to listen to what others have to say and that the greatness that I recognise in them can also become a greatness to recognise in myself.

When Howard Glasser, who is the creator of "The Nurtured Heart Approach®," talks about living each moment with the intension of nurturing our own greatness and the greatness in others I find that filled with excitement and awe. We truly are great. Our greatness can grow and it can help others to grow.

My intension today is to be the greatest version of myself I can be. And if Im lucky enough to meet you I will be telling you about how great you are.

Neil (The truth Fairy)

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